
It is the folly of youth, or an artistic or romantic temperament, to think that you can obtain pleasure by your wits alone. You can, but you can obtain it more directly by cash. And then you can save your wits for making money, a much more amenable pursuit. Understanding this marks one of the ...
Watch closely the big battle scene in one of those old Hollywood epics about the Roman empire and you will notice a certain number of bit actors looking around as if they are not quite sure what exactly it is they are supposed to be doing. It is very often the subtlest detail of historical accuracy.
In a closed society, the individual may be denied his full allotment of freedom and liberty. He is spared, however, a certain amount of gratuitous rhetoric on the subject.
The idea that genital difference must describe one of the basic qualifications for marriage is medieval and a little lewd. If putting the imprimatur of the state upon the habit of heterosexual cohabitation has not brought about the ruin of civilization, I suspect that no slight variation in ...
A man's keystrokes will reveal him in a way very different from that of his more social behavior, and in the raw data of server logs is a reality far more real than reality itself.
Of all the ways to measure youth, age is the least interesting.
The only necessary link between sex and reproduction is an unwanted pregnancy.